New funding commitments in Brent

Continuing our long-term work in LB Brent, the trustees approved a new round of 19 awards for local community sports projects to a total value of £113,650.  It was especially encouraging to note that whilst some of the successful organisations in this round have had funding from the Trust before, we are still receiving applications from others that are new to the Trust and successful in securing funding from us for the first time – including for example Hibiscus Senior Citizens Club, for a new weekly exercise group and the Iraqi Welfare Association for their youth football club.

One of the successful organisations was the Jason Roberts Foundation, which runs multi-sports activities out of the Pavilion in Stonebridge Park.  Hundreds of local people, of all ages and abilities, make use of this facility, whether at one of the weekly sports sessions or as part of a school holiday programme.

Otis Roberts, the Foundation’s CEO told us “We recently acquired a long lease on the Stonebridge Pavilion and our landlord, Hyde Housing, have generously re-laid the artificial pitches, to ensure that we can provide the best sporting environment for local people.  This award from WNST will help us complete the redevelopment of the pitch area through the purchase of new mobile goals that are compatible with the new 3G surface, as well as helping us maintain the pitches long into the future.   The funding will make a real difference – thank you!

A list of the Brent grant awards made in this distribution round can be found here


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