On a bright but cold November autumn morning, more than 200 students representing senior schools from across Brent gathered in Fryent Country Park to contest the 2017 Brent Schools Cross Country Championships. This year, the event was supported financially by the Wembley National Stadium Trust, meaning that the occasion, which has been in doubt due to schools funding cuts, could go ahead.
Races around the undulating and rather muddy 2km course were run for each year group from Year 7 – 11, with separate competitions for boys and girls. The standard was high and rivalry between schools fierce but good natured. At stake, was not only the chance to be crowned the Brent champion but the opportunity to represent the borough in up-coming regional competitions.
WNST Chief Executive, Stewart Goshawk, said
“We were pleased to be able to step in and support the event this year, one which I know has a long history. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students from across Brent to come together and compete. The fact that so many young people have chosen to participate is testament to the popularity of school sports in general and the desire of so many students to want to represent their school in competition.
“Thanks are due to Mr Finnie from Newman Catholic College who organised the occasion and to the many teachers from across the borough, who gave up their time to bring teams along and encouraged so many to take part.”